

I am here to help make your life easier. I offer companionship and one-on-one care, support to family caregivers, assistance with daily responsibilities, and so much more.

Services can be on a regular basis or only once in a while, whatever you need.



social outings

movies, dining out, local attractions and shows, visits to friends and/or family, senior center involvement, nature outings, scenic drives

help around the house

light laundry, gardening, pet and plant care, helping prepare for a move, helping schedule home maintenance and seeing the service through, refrigeration cleanup, preparing for guest visits, other household responsibilities


to appointments, out to lunch, to visit family and/or friends, to fun activities

mental stimulation

conversation, playing cards, board games, and puzzles


household areas, closets, garages, kitchen cabinets, pantries, clutter cleanup and help with downsizing

hospital aftercare

rehabilitation visits, companionship, home modifications

help with errands

personal assistant, grocery shopping, pets to groomer or vet, scheduling appointments, personal shopper

respite care

support and relief for family and other caregivers

Travel Companion

travel with assistance to visit friends, family or just experience a new destination.


Activities with Clients